Monday, November 1, 2010

My Adventures with Eating Gluten Free & NaBloPoMo?

So, at my first or second appointment with RNA it was suggested that I go gluten free. I know a couple girls with celiac, so I wasn't sure how this was going to help me. I put it off for a long time. I finally started up just about the time I stopped taking Savella. I haven't noticed much of a difference with my fibro pain, but I have noticed that I no longer seem to have IBS issues. It's hard though. I am a midwestern girl so I love my carbs. I also can't have cakes and cupcakes. It's been good for my weight loss efforts. So even though it's boring, I thought I'd give that little update. Which brings me to my next topic:

NaBloPoMo! Or National Blog Post Month! It's a version of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for us bloggers. And I am inept at story telling, so I will be posting more. I am planning on sharing some of my poetry and art and photos and things. That's a lot of ands. So, stay tuned! I hope that it's interesting and makes up for my lack of posting this past month or 2.

1 comment:

  1. Gluten Free does NOT mean bland and boring! Google some recipes and I guarantee you will find tons of cupcakes, pancakes, even pizza that is gluten free. I have come across a bunch of recipes and blogs for gluten free foods while searching for regular foods, and they are not hard to make either. As long as you have a blender and an oven you can do pretty much anything ^u^v
